"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be." - Patanjali

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Evil Nutella

So I caved into the temptations to buy the nutella. Actually I'm slowly building an empire of materialism at a place where these levels should be taking a freefall. I now have two more jumpers, a pair of Levis (I bought this more out of necessity then want, after I sat on a seat of a jeep which was previously inaugurated by the call of nature of a child it was carrying!), a bath mat (believe me, very essential!), editions of India Today, and an extra towel.

So the other day, for some reason, I wasn't feeling the best, maybe even a bit down, and I was in my room thinking what to do, when my eyes caught the spectacular sight of the Nutella sitting unopened on my table. Like (quite possibly) every girl who's ever come in contact with chocolate, I too made a dash to uplift me.

In this state of delirium, I ignored the fact the stuff wasn't smooth and spreadable, but rough and crunchy. If anything this did more to distract my mind. So after pillaging the contents, I recovered, and read some, and learnt some Hindi from my book and the night passed with out any incident.

The next day I was to go on field, and had to be at the bus stop by 8:15, which I managed with out too much fuss. From there on, lets just say the effects of an unusually crunchy nutella kicked in and was I forced to rush back to my room.


Anonymous said...

i had old nutella once that was all oily and a bit too watery, not exactly kosher if you get my idea. it didnt have the same effect as yours did on you, but it was an interesting experience. i thouht i may not put it on here, but i can't resist...only 4 more days until your bifday...!!!yay!!

Divya108 said...

So sorry to hear Hrish! Hope you're feeling better now :)

Hrishi said...

Thanks for the concern guys...nutella will live long, but possibly only in Aus for me..

Div: this was a while back, just thought I'd fill you in...and am much better now!