Friday, August 18, 2006

Thomas Friendman rocks!

This from his article today in the NY Times...

Yes, thanks to $70-a-barrel oil you can have Katyusha rockets and butter at the same time. When oil money is so prevalent, why not? Hezbollah and Iran are like a couple of rich college students who rented Lebanon for the summer, as if it were a beach house. ''C'mon, let's smash up the place,'' they said to themselves. ''Who cares? Dad will pay!'' The only thing Nasrallah didn't say to Lebanese was, ''Hey, keep the change.''

(I just like his writing...don't know enough about the Mid East to comment on the war itself...)

1 comment:

  1. I saw in interview on BBC this morning with the two gentleman that were taken off the plane because of all the other passengers.

    Having heard this two trying to talk, ok so they suck at presenting their case, they suck at coherent speech (or maybe they were TV shy), I can't imagine why people were so suspicous other then their own paranoia.

    I mean they appear to be your average youth (they seemed to be abt 25 odd in age). Nothing in their looks made me think they would be dangerous....
