Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Lahul an Spiti
Anyways, sometime back I told you about Matty, from Canbera. Well, he's now in the Lahul and Spiti valley in Eastern Himachal, and some of the pics he's taken are awesome. I feel I should have gone there instead...check it out...
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Who's Going to be the New Sect-Gen
Along with Tharoor, are other more favored candidates from Thailand, South Korea, and Sri Lanka. Then theres Pakistan. Cos India now has a candidate, there are reports (and don't laugh!) Pervez himself may throw his hat in the ring.
A more realistic occurance, which has been widely reported in the local media here, is Pakistan influencing China to vote against any Indian candidate (permanent members make a final selction - complete with veto powers and everything - which is then put to the General Assembly). To this Tharoor has said, in his upper class Anglo accent, that China has a "sophisticated" view of the world and will not be influenced by other nations. Nice one.
What are his chances? Tharoor is widely regarded as an insider, someone who knows the UN system. He's worked under and is quite close to Anaan which many analysts regard as a negative.
Anyways, here's a couple of links about other possible candidates, by the UN, who also catagorise the potentials in terms of "The Candidates", "Serious Speculation", "Others Suggested", "Politically Remote" and "Populist Longshots"...
And Shashi Tharoors personal site...
Friday, June 23, 2006
We're through!
Varanasi is on some anti-ESPN thing, so I didn't actually see the game...so, thanks heaps to Rahul and Jigglypuff for sending me msg's with updates of the score, and in the case of Rahul, even commentary complete with expletives...made me feel like I was actually at the game!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006

And with the last pic...yeah, flygirl, thats a barbed wire...i thought it was harder to guess!
And finally, my bit on the World Cup...watched the Aus-Japan game from Aus Consulate in New Delhi (which incidentally, is right opposite big brother, the US) with a bunch of 15-20 expats, complete with VB's, short, and thongs...btw, love this from flygirl...Go you good thing!!!
Taj Mahal
A silloutette from a roof top restaurant...

From behind the Taj, just before the banks of the Yamuna...
Ok, this more ordinary, but yeah, its the Taj...
Bet you haven't seen one with a particularly grizzly looking Me...
Taj Blue...
Post script: its really quite easy to just see the entire monument through the lens or screen of a camera, and I almost did that. I had to literally say to myself, "stop, and look!" and when you do, the wonderment which washes over you is quite amazing. You stop look, turn around, and then trun back, just to make sure its really there!
That said, I also felt that this was such a unique opportunity that I didn't want to miss out on anything, and kept racking my brains for any other picture opportunities. And so tom, I hope to be there for sunrise...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Don't mean to boast...
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Whats been happening...
I then went to Delhi and then to Dubai and Muscat (we used to live in Muscat back in the 80's) and am now back in Delhi. From here I'm off to Agra, and generally speaking, will follow the Ganga and sneak in a trip to part of the North East: Gangtok. Then to Konark, Puri, Hyderabad (Prassanna, I think i'll be there by the 5th or 6th of July) Thirupati, Pune, Bombay and then Bangalore...
So the end is in sight, i'm on the home stretch, the fat ladies warming up her vocal cords...call it what you like...
I have to admit I have quite a few pics and laziness is the primary factor preventing me from sorting and uploading.
Arun, to answer your query, I passed through Tehri but did not get a glimpse of the dam. Prasanna your ans is above.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Ram Jhula, or Sivananda Juhla..

The eastern side of Rishikesh just after sunset...look at this pic full size and check out the guy having a dip in the Ganga, bottom left of pic...
Again, from Swarg Ashram side...the lanes are very commercialised...surfed the net on flat panel monitors, had lunch at a nice Italian joint, and afternoon tea at a German bakery...
...but just when you think its all lost you come across this...
And so to the sound bite of the year! Hrishikesh in Rishikesh! For those of you who don't know me well, Hrishi is my version of Hrishikesh, especially after the horrified looks on the faces of my school teachers back in Aus, on the first day of years 2, 3, 4, and 5...imagine 10 letters staring you in the face and you don't know where to begin...
And so if i'm not mistaken this is how to write Rishikesh in Hindi...
Monday, June 05, 2006
So good luck, God speed, and we will have much to talk about when we next meet...
Friday, June 02, 2006
Gangotri to Rishikesh
Next time, I want a car (these were mostly taken from the front seat of a share jeep, meaning there were two other ppl between the driver and I), and want to be there at dusk...the colours and scenery would be stunning!